Today the engineering team met with Jonathan at 7:30 am in the restaurant to get breakfast and get ready for the planned activities. The breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs, bread, banana chips, queso fresco (fresh cheese), a slice of pineapple, and of course the classic cup of coffee. After the breakfast, the team got into Jonathan’s truck and moved to La Bio-fábrica. In La Bio-Fábrica we got introduced to Carlos, and the people that work in there. We had a small group discussion on developed communities, and what is considered sustainable development.
After the discussion time, Jonathan gave us a tour of La Bio-Fábrica facilities: the compost barrels, the place where coffee beans are planted and processed. Furthermore, we got to see the new location of where the current facility is to be moved. Afterwards, we went back to Jonathan’s truck and moved to another part of Providencia where former Cabrillo students worked. While making this trip, we got the chance to observe a Quetzal on a tree. According to Jonathan we were pretty lucky on seeing it. Once we got back from there, the team enjoyed a delicious lunch served by Doña Teresa, Doña Flora, and Doña Isabel. The lunch consisted of rice with pork, black beans, fried bananas, and an Ensalada Rusa (Russian Salad).
Once we finished lunch, the team had a break of 2 hours and met again at the restaurant for Coffee Time at 3 pm. There was rain during the rest of the day, so the whole team got “stuck” at the restaurant until late night. This time was used to prepare for the activities to be started tomorrow at La Bio-Fábrica.
