The 2021-2022 Engineering Abroad Program kicked off on Tuesday July 19th. Our team of 16 delegates and 2 instructors set off to Providencia, Costa Rica. We first met at Cabrillo College for final packing and logistics briefing before starting our journey to SFO Airport to catch our 8pm flight. After a delayed flight we finally departed at 9:30pm to LAX. The stress began to sink in as it became more certain that we would miss our connecting flight to Costa Rica. When landing in LAX we had approximately ~6 mins to make our connecting flight, which was across the terminal. Our squadron took off as fast as we could and arrived at the gate just into to hear the gate agent saying "I'm closing the door!" We scurried onto the plan as we were met with stares from the seated passengers. We took our seats and prepared for the 5 hour journey.
After some terrible plane sleep we arrived in San Jose, Costa Rica were we collected our passport stamp. We were met by one of the EAP partners, Green Communities, where we were picked up by a van and taken to a traditional breakfast. We all devowered platains, cheese, sweet grain rice, tortillas, and of course, coffee! After an amazing breakfast we loaded into the van for a 3 hour drive that took us from the bustling city streets of San Jose into the depths of the rainforest in Providencia, the village that we will be working in for the next 2 weeks. We were greeted by even more amazing food, fruit juice, and local coffee. We concluded the night by giving formal introductions about ourselfes and sharing our intentions for the next 2 weeks.
